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Correspondence and papers relating to Canada, 1854-58.
Reports, correspondence and other papers relating to Canada, 1867-74.
Correspondence and other papers relating to the affairs of Canada, 1864-1866.
Correspondence and other papers relating to the unification of the provinces and other affairs in Canada, 1867.
Correspondence and other papers relating to the Hudson's Bay Company : the exploration of the territories (Captain Palliser's expedition) and other affairs in Canada, 1859.
Correspondence and other papers relating to Captain Palliser's Expedition and other affairs in Canada, 1860.
Correspondence and papers relating to government postal and rail communications and other affairs in Canada, 1861-63.
Report on the affairs of British North America from the Earl of Durham, with appendices.
Reports from Select Committees on the civil government of Canada and on the affairs of Lower Canada, with Minutes of evidence.
Correspondence and other papers relating to the boundary between the British possessions in North America and the United States of America, with appendices, 1857-94.

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